Craig Mokhiber, director of human rights body, accuses the US, UK and much of Europe as ‘wholly complicit in the horrific assault’

    •  prole   ( ) 
      168 months ago

      “Retiring” and “resigning” are different things. He may have been near retirement age, but the statement he made makes it clear this was a resignation for a cause. With a good reason.

      • Quit framing the war as the cause. From the article:

        A spokesperson for the UN in New York sent the Guardian a statement about Mokhiber, saying: “I can confirm that he is retiring today. He informed the UN in March 2023 of his upcoming retirement, which takes effect tomorrow. The views in his letter made public today are his personal views.”

        So he informed the UN in March 2023 that he wanted to step down and now he did it.

    •  jet   ( ) 
      168 months ago

      Being near retirement age, and retiring are two different things. The timing of this retirement is clearly coupled with the current genocide.

      If he was a man in his early '40s, stepping down from a UN platform would have more personal sacrifice, which would give the narrative greater impact, sure. But as an elder statesman, making a grandstand as your final exit also has good impact.