Hi everyone! Saw the announcement and immediately ran here.

My question is this: do any of you have any goals that you’ve been actively working on?

For me, I’ve been trying to work on my GED that I abandoned a decade ago. Signed up for courses and everything.

Another thing I am trying to learn is more about Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and how that can help me learn how to cope with stress.

Finally, I have major ADHD so I’ve been trying to do note-taking in my day to day life. Started journaling, taking notes on Youtube videos I watch that I think are important for me to remember, habit tracking, so forth.

How about you? What are you trying to do to better yourself?

  •  Gil (he/they)   ( @kalanggam@beehaw.org ) 
    2 years ago

    I’m trying to build better routines and improve my productivity. Even though I don’t believe in the productivity rat race that capitalism promotes, there’s still stuff I want to do, haha.

    For me I’m mostly cultivating these habits:

    • Weekly/monthly reflections - just recapping my weeks/months in my journal every Sunday, analyzing my feelings, activities, and habits from week to week, and setting intentions for the next week/month
    • Monitoring my spending more - especially eating at home more, cancelling subscriptions, focusing on only spending money when I can really justify it
    • Allocating my personal time - part of my reflections is also going into the calendar and just setting tentative blocks of time for working on projects, writing, running errands, doing chores, etc. Trying not to necessarily live by my calendar but just getting into the habit of following through when I say or promise to myself that I’ll do something

    Aside from that, I’m trying to grow my Substack, publish more of my writing online, develop leadership workshops/curriculum, as well as start & finish some Rust projects. I really just want to manage my ADHD better since I may be dropping out of college soon.