Food and agriculture have a significant impact on our planet, particularly in terms of carbon emissions, water withdrawals, and land use.

    •  blindsight   ( ) 
      1 year ago

      Great video, and I watched it to the end. Thanks for sharing! I’ll definitely show this one to my students and kids, too.

      That said, they did conclude the video saying that we can individually contribute at the polls (should be obvious) and with our wallets, by:

      • Eating less meat
      • Flying less
      • Shifting to electric vehicles (and heat pumps and so on—from earlier in the video, by buying low-emission technologies when they’re a bit more expensive to further their development and bring down the costs of production)

      Sure, individuals can’t effect huge change in systems by shifting their individual consumer choices, but developed-nation governments are selected by individuals at the polls. We need to make it a political death sentence to ignore climate change.