• Good for her. She didn’t mistreat thousands of warehouse employees or spy on and manipulate three generations with social media to do it.

    I’m okay with her being the exception to the rule, as long as she doesn’t turn into a monster.

    It’s not hard.

    • Imagine living on a planet with millions of people struggling day to day with bare essentials like food and water and also having people that own enough money help millions. Why is it ok to hort wealth while you could easily help a lot of people? Like dont get me wrong, Taylor Swift is a cool artist not doing anything considered wrong by society. I simply find it odd to see people literally starving or freezing to death outside in the winter while they could be helped and no one bats an eye.

      • Oh I think you totally have a point. Came across this post in the main feed. The moral thing for her to do would be spend a shit ton of that wealth helping people in need. I was just commenting about how it’s nice for someone to end up rich without being a complete piece of crap to get there.