With so many books being published every day, how do you find a book you want to read?

I usually go through recommendations on Goodreads, and I keep track of what books my favourite authors are publishing.

  • Mostly by seeing what other people recommend on the two big book suggestion subreddits, so far. But truth to tell, most newer books are pretty badly written, as far as I can see. Publishing an editing standards have really gone down the toilet.

    But I’m lucky, because I can reread old books that I enjoyed and get as much pleasure or more out of them than I did the first time. For example, I went on a P. G. Wodehouse binge in high school long ago. Recently I reread his Leave It to Psmith. It was a pure delight! Witty and incredibly funny, it had me laughing out loud again and again. With great books like that available, I don’t need to chase after semi-literate modern-day authors much!