It seems like open back are the defacto recommendation for headphones. I already own an AKG K240 and since I intend to use them around other people, I don’t want the noise bleed. What do people prefer for closed back applications? I’ve been looking at the DT 770 Pro’s and the Hifiman Sundara Closed. I really like a sound signature with a bass emphasis. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

  •  pezhore   ( ) 
    8 months ago

    Semi-open is a good description. The “mesh” looking portion of the Headphones is open, but the rest of the back is closed. Stock, there’s some sound bleed from the headphones, but if you’re willing to mod (which I did) it gets fairly isolated fairly quickly.

    The bleed isn’t bad - unless you are really blasting music.

    Below is a pic that shows my mod - the bottom grill was open stock, the top is blocked/solid plastic.

    •  naomi   ( ) 
      18 months ago

      Thank you for the detailed explanation!! I don’t really have room in my project queue for modding headphones quite yet, but if I do I’d probably get started with these.