• Honestly, it’s probably not long until he is, one way or another…

      These lawsuits are really just a formality. Even Trump himself has shifted his marketing to try to portray jail as a good thing for everyone lol (and it is lol)

        • He can have his luxury cell lol. I’m Australian, but the negative impact he’s having even on us here in Australia is huge still.

          As long as they restrict him from the Internet and from being able to talk nonsense in public, I don’t care at this point

      • I don’t think it would. Because one of his best weapons is his ability to constantly run his mouth (virtually or otherwise), and in jail, he’s not afforded that luxury by virtue of being a presidential candidate. And I’m talking about jail, not prison.

        But even with prison, he wouldn’t be able to stay relevant as well as he does currently. He would be forced into regular silence, and a candidate that doesn’t stay relevant in the public zeitgeist is doomed to lose.