Wanted to take a moment and welcome all the new subscribes to the community. At the time of writing this there are 711 subscribes in RetroGaming.

In addition, I wanted to ask what types of things we could do as a community to keep us engaged? Suggestions are welcome.

One suggestion I have would be a “game of the month”. We would all take some time, play the same game, and then all chat about it together on this community.

  • Second this! Especially for lesser-known games. Even though the list of retro games is inherently finite, I keep discovering new ones all the time - hell, I just recently set up a Neo Geo emulator for the first time, and WOW was I missing out on some good stuff.

    • Agreed! I’m not terribly interested in a monthly game of FF6 or Battletoads. There are lots of great games that never make top 100 lists due to obscurity.

      This then means that have selection can’t be decided by a public vote, since then it becomes a popularity contest.