• Well, getting rid of it would mean that it would get dark earlier during the summer months, which would honestly suck a lot more than having it be dark during the most miserable months of the year (when most people spend their time indoors anyway).

    I would personally hate for it to get dark soon after dinner during the summer, since it leaves little time to be active outdoors. Maybe if we had 4 day workweeks it would be different…

    • I prefer having it lighter in the morning, much easier to wake up naturally instead of relying on an alarm. I don’t really give a shit if it’s dark at 3pm though because I spend most of my time indoors anyways 🤣

      • Sleep and SADS research supports this, too. We should be on permanent standard time. Morning sunlight is super important, especially in the winter. Moving to permanent daylight time would cause more problems.

      • Consider yourself lucky to be able to even see stars at midnight. With all the light pollution we have, most people need to drive hundreds of kilometres away from where they live to have a chance to see them.

        Daylight savings doesn’t really matter in this context.