In terms of community usage stats.

I really like Banshee, but I was shocked to learn she was at a mere 0.53% usage on last year’s published stats. I’m also really fond of Yareli and Gyre.

    • I think it’s in good part cuz she’s locked behind Zariman which is like, very late. And she’s not cheap to build since she requires quite a few forma and also her best Helminth abilities are also heavily locked (Hildryn or Grendel). She is worth the investment but getting to that point is a pain.

    • I haven’t farmed Hildryn yet (hopefully she’ll feature in Duviri soon, I really want her hemilith), but that Gyre augment 100% should be in her base kit. So, so good, and you never run out of energy.

    • Yeah, Gyre is incredible! Only 0.5% usage though. I imagine it’ll go up in the 2023 stats since she wasn’t out over the whole stats window, and she was already doing better than poor old Caliban (who sunk to 0.38% over the 2022 window).

      She’s one of my instant picks on Circuit, along with Vauban, Styanax and Octavia.

      I also run a Silence build for the anti-Infested memes. WoF Ember, grape flavour edition.