The Biden administration requested Israel detail the thinking and process behind the recent strike on the Jabalia Refugee Camp in Northern Gaza, according to a U.S. official, who like others was granted anonymity to discuss sensitive conversations.

“The U.S. asked for an explanation of the first [attack] on Jabalia,” said the official, adding that the conversation was in the context of “asking Israel to do more to avoid civilian casualties.”

    • Okay, that’s more relevant. Though the Damascus affair seems to have been instigated by France and Turkey, then spread south later.

      Ibn Farouk, on the other hand, is noted as an outlier and a tyrant who bought his way into power. That hardly means he reflects something common to the region. Also, notably, persecuted Christians and Muslims that pissed him off - just an asshole in general. Weirdly, I can’t actually find anything about him outside of this article and its source The Museum of the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot. Strange.

      • There’s also this guy who gave the Nazis widespread support throughout Palestine and even personally assisted in recruiting Muslims to the SS. There’s also this book written by the leader of the PLO where he argues zionists wanted an extermination of their own people to make the world feel sorry for them.
        Here’s another, the Hebron massacre in 1929

        Jew hate for the sake of Jew hate is very well documented in this area. Their own actions and words speak for themselves.

        • Are you unfamiliar with the Haavara Agreement? Zionist do actually intentionally heighten antisemitism around the world specifically so that Jews are forced to become settlers. It’s a very obvious strategy they use, it’s why all anti-Zionism is equated with antisemitism. It wasn’t to ‘make us sorry for them’, though, that’s definitely backwards; it’s to make people hate Jews by smearing them with the crimes of Zionism and promoting antisemitism (they helped create Hamas, did you know that?) and forcing them to flee to the settler-colony.

          Just another facet of Zionist racism. They push Jew hate to justify their own militarism and brutality and inherently fascistic ethnonationalism.

          In order for there to ever be a multi-ethnic democratic state in the middle east, Zionism must be left in the dustbin of history.

          • I am quite familiar with the haavara agreement. It was an agreement that allowed Germany to rid itself of its “problem” and allowed Jews to flee to already established Jewish settlements in Palestine. That has absolutely nothing to do with the holocaust. They wanted OUT of Germany. Not herded into a gas chamber…

            • And it parallels the modern practices of Zionism, by promoting antisemitism around the world and then welcoming Jews who flee antisemitism into the already established Jewish settlement in occupied Palestine. Nothing has changed.

              I’m not saying Zionists did the holocaust, but they literally did work with Hitler to help rid Germany of Jews. That’s verifiable fact. I don’t think they wanted the holocaust to happen, but WWII sure was convenient for encouraging Jews to flee to occupied Palestine.

              • That’s a LOT of scheming for a piece of land the size of New Jersey. Even smaller had they agreed to the UN proposal and unified with Transjordan and let the Zionists deal with cultivating the negev desert.

                • The Zionists are motivated by fascistic blood-and-soil nationalism and mythology about the promised land, the fact that it’s really not that much land and not that valuable is irrelevant. Why do you think they’re willing to commit genocide over this shit?

                  Though Israel is very well suited for America to control the Middle East and North Africa and the Mediterranean. That, in addition to the apocalyptic fantasy from America’s sizeable Armageddon cult, are why Israel is treated as the 51st state.

                  • I don’t see that when reading the writings of most pioneering Zionists. Not saying there went some that thought like that, but the vast majority I’ve encountered while researching Zionism share roughly the same reasoning: tired of being hunted and having nowhere to run. Think about it, persecuted Christians have all of Europe and America to flee to, Muslims have all of the Middle East and parts of Africa to flee to, the Jews had nowhere to flee to. Frankly, being part of a group that is consistently hunted time and time again throughout history, being called parasites because they have no homeland, will do a number on one’s psychology. I’d wager that the vast majority of Zionists were not in fact fascists, but deeply scared people who saw safety in having a place to call their own.