Donald Trump and his allies have begun mapping out specific plans for using the federal government to punish critics and opponents should he win a second term, with the former president naming individuals he wants to investigate or prosecute and his associates drafting plans to potentially invoke the Insurrection Act on his first day in office to allow him to deploy the military against civil demonstrations.

  • it’s funny in a morbid way. after everything Trump fucked up catastrophically—all the wars he nearly started, all the people he killed through inaction, all the things he tried to do to overthrow the government—it would be very poetic if he just won conventionally. all you could really do at that point is laugh about it.

      • Let’s not be hyperbolic. It’s not the end of all civilization. It’s just the decline of ours. We all learned about stuff like this in history class in high school and college. The Roman Empire declined and fell. Tons of others did the same. It’s just our turn. We’re not special or exempt from annihilation. Time catches up to everyone.

        • I don’t think it’s hyperbole to characterize living in a christo-fascist ethnostate as the end of the world. Empires are made up of people and the decline you’re referring to involves the death of a lot of them, so maybe factor that into your apathy equation. It’s easy to view civilization as something you learned in high school, but for the people living in it, it actually matters.

          • I tell you what, bud: if I find me a magic lamp, wish 3 is gonna be for America to be the country we all dream about in our sleep. Right after I get my first wish of a blowjob machine that cures cancer and my second wish of Ronald Regan getting sent to an even lower circle of hell than whichever one he’s currently in. Wish 3, though? All yours.

    • I would think that if he won conventionally, at that point one would really have to question the conventions.

      Perhaps do something a little bit differently.

      If, after being so woefully unqualified and demonstrably destructive, a political official is able to either retain or re-attain office, then the mechanisms that made that possible are broken and need fixed.

      I appreciate what you’re saying though. Also, thanks for your work with BeeHaw. 🐝