So I always thought my build was decent I never thought it was the best but I unlocked steel path like a month or 2 ago and I can’t survive for my life and I’ve tried to learn shield gating but I just can’t man so if any of u can give me some tips and builds that would be much appreciated. Thx

  •  sandriver   ( ) 
    2 years ago

    If you need help shield gating, Condemn is always nice. Also lets you run high-efficiency builds since it doesn’t require spending energy.

    Saryn has baked-in CC through Molt, so you could also reasonably run Pillage to boost your Spore and Toxic Lash damage. Also recommend the Mecha set since it spreads your Spore damage with a heavy multiplier. Ditch Miasma since you don’t need it for Spore spreading once you’re at SP levels.

    Also, if you don’t want to go past say 200-300, running the Fractured Blast or Lycath’s Hunt helminths alongside of Health Conversion and optionally Arcane Blessing will turn any frame into a tank. Lycath’s Hunt is good if you have a strong melee and are running low range or strength, which eat into FB’s energy economy.

    Another popular option is Gloom, since it causes your Spore damage to heal you. People will also run Contagion Cloud to put more DoT effects on the field for even more healing. Since Saryn is already really durable, this lets her healtank and adds to her CC kit.