It’s gotten rather absurd. If my interaction is with a kiosk short of being handed something, it’s an insulting extra step. I’m already paying the price for my employer’s pay scale … I can’t take on someone else’s stinginess.

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  • The tipping for Uber Eats/Door Dash drives me up a wall. If I’m getting one small bag of food, why would I pay the delivery driver a percentage of the cost of the food? Why should a delivery from Chez Snooty tip more than a delivery from McDonalds if they’re both the same amount of work for the delivery driver and they’re providing the exact same service?? Now the LOWEST option in the app that’s not custom is 18% and it defaults to 20%. WTF?? I already pay extra for the delivery!! You’re supposed to use that money to pay your employees. If you can’t, then your business model isn’t sustainable!

    /deep breath

    • If you can’t, then your business model isn’t sustainable!

      It’s this. Without the tip (or a higher upcharge in delivery fee to earmark some for the driver) there’d be no incentive for drivers to take the job. If the company didn’t take the delivery fee, there’d be no structure, like apps or a unified company distributing tax papers, etc.

      Beyond that, since drivers typically choose which individual jobs to pick up, there’d be no incentive to take larger or more distanced orders.

      The problem is that the business model doesn’t work in the first place and is largely on life support being propped up by tipping culture.

          • Not the original commenter, but the guy juggling 5 drinks deserves no tip. He deserves a fair pay and the stuff the customer buys should be priced in such a way it enables fair pay.

            I am not from the US and delivery drivers here don’t even expect a tip. I order my stuff, pay exactly what the menu said (and maybe a deliver fee, which is fine to me, you then usually have the option to come and pick it up without that fee) and get my food 30 minutes later.

            Tipping is an extremely bad practice that makes the pay of people unpredictable and depending on their situation can make a day with bad tipping a problem for them.

            Stop tipping.

            • I’m glad tipping culture isn’t required for you. I agree with the cons of tipping. If you have practical advice I will consider it, but I don’t think not tipping workers who are currently depending on the tip for income is the play. I do not have a magic wand that will change payment schemes. I can lower said unpredictability by not tipping at all I suppose, but that doesn’t seem the right approach either.

            •  millie   ( ) 
              11 months ago

              This is a really bad take. If you think their business model doesn’t support its workers, don’t engage with the company. To choose to do so anyway in a country where tipping is the standard and choose not to tip, you are exploiting workers. The employer may be exploiting them as well, but taking part in that system and deciding to skip out on the part that makes the job a living wage is actively malicious.

              I drive a taxi. If people don’t tip, I shrug it off, but they’re basically asking me to subsidize their ride. I do not make enough to live without tips. I’m not going to charge myself extra by getting upset about it, but it does impact me financially. And often people who don’t tip are folks who are much better off monetarily than I am.

              •  Konlanx   ( ) 
                11 months ago

                I disagree.

                You should not look at the customer to make up extra payment so your wage becomes bearable. This way you are pointing in the wrong direction for a fair pay.

                The customer is not the one responsible for you making enough money. Your employer is.

                Employers are also the only people gaining anything from tipping. The laws in the US actually allow employers to pay less than minimum wage if the worker receives tips: Since tipping is not predictable the employer wins by having to pay the worker less. The worker loses.

                Also you as the worker are responsible to track and pay taxes on the tips you received, not your employer:

                I understand it sounds scary when I say “Stop tipping” because it sounds like less money to you, but don’t look at me, the customer, for this. Look at the employer. Stop tipping.

                Edit: I agree with your take to stop engaging with companies that rely on tipping to change this, though. I think that was not clear from my comment.

                •  millie   ( ) 
                  11 months ago

                  If you think that workers aren’t being paid an equitable wage and you continue to spend money on something that isn’t essential, you’re complicit. The employer may be putting the idea of underpaying their workers on the table, but you’re the one allowing him to continue to operate. He doesn’t exist in a vacuum.

                  The entitlement here comes both from the greedy employer and from the greedy consumer. Greed is wrong regardless of what side of the counter you stand on. No ethical consumption under capitalism, sure, but that doesn’t mean you have to participate in stiffing someone.

    •  bermuda   ( ) 
      711 months ago

      I work as a delivery driver (NOT gig work, hired by my company directly) in a city in a state that pays me a living minimum wage plus a living mileage. What confuses me the most is how pissy my coworkers get about non-tippers. Shaking their drinks, dropping their food, getting all huffy.

      I literally don’t care. Some nights have been horrific nights with 4 dollars total in tips, but I think most nights I end up with 30 to 50 anyway just because of tip culture.

    • This is exactly why I just don’t use these services at all. It’s not good for me, it’s not good for their employee, it’s not good for the place that I’m buying the stuff from, it’s only good for GrubHub or Uber eats or whatever the fuck. It’s rent seeking behavior pure and simple.