I’m looking to learn to build things for iOS. I already know other languages besides Swift, but I’d really like to have a structured path for this. Any recommendations?

  •  mifuyne   ( @mifuyne@beehaw.org ) 
    12 years ago

    Maybe give exercism’s Swift track a try?

    Word of warning, I do find some of exercism’s “lessons” hit or miss. Most of the time, the exercises seem to expect more knowledge of the language than what was given in the “lessons.” Be prepared to do some searching, if the “lessons” don’t provide further reading itself. It does also provide the ability for you to unlock and peek at other people’s published solutions.

    • The big issue I have here is that there’s a lot more to iOS development than just Swift. If it was just “learn Swift”, I’ve taught myself multiple languages and I know how to do that pretty easily now. It’s all the other things – the iOS parts – that I’m really struggling to start with.