Elon’s “extremely hardcore” toxic work culture means people are forced to take Adderall without a prescription to meet their workload. Just ask SpaceX employees.

"Some SpaceX workers resorted to taking Adderall to keep up with the pace of work at the company’s launch facility, and others found themselves falling asleep in the bathroom during long workweeks, a recent Reuters investigation found.

“Travis Carson, a former SpaceX worker at the company’s facility in Brownsville, Texas, told Reuters some workers took Adderall — a stimulant designed to help people with ADHD improve their focus and concentration levels — without a prescription to keep up with the pace of work.”

Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-workers-took-adderall-slept-bathroom-iv-treatments-deadlines-report-2023-11

What a nightmare!

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    • Idk, I’d be willing to overwork myself if it were for a really good cause, like ending hunger, or rapidly building houses that will be provided free at point of use to unhoused and low income people, etc. definitely not a normal job I’d do it fit though.

      • Those are the kind of excuses people at SpaceX make. When a leader fools workers into thinking they are doing unique and societal-changing work, he can push them to work for any amount of punishing hours.

        The entire gaming industry runs on this mentality.

        •  BartsBigBugBag   ( @BartsBigBugBag@lemmy.tf ) 
          11 months ago

          Yeah I feel that also. That’s why I believe in democratization of the workplace. Instead of obeying the whims of a single dictator-leader or small board of directors, labor should be able to collectively decide the motivations and direction of their labor power.

          With such ownership of development, instead of working for someone else’s vision, we’d be able to collectively develop and manifest a vision that isn’t predicated solely on the extraction of profit, but on the collective needs and desires of those within and without the company itself, meaning those within the community who will also be affected by the decisions of the company.

          But of course, as of now, this is just the rambling dreams of one person, and not an actualized reality.

      • Also really depends on the frequency and reason. Did something go horribly wrong once and does this one-time effort fix it or gives enough time for a decent solution down the road? Sure, I’ll put in some extra work. Don’t look for me though when it’s resolved, I’m on holiday with all the overtime I should’ve gotten. If it’s a structural problem because management wants to squeeze as much money out of their employees and refuses to hire enough people… Fuck that. And yeah, corporate uses the first thing as an excuse, luring you into staying longer “one more time, we really can’t do it without you”.