• SteamOS is an OS for gaming consoles. It’s specifically tailored for gaming and it has controller-friendly UI.

      You can game on regular distros, but you need to install and open Steam, download games, and, then, launch them, before you can grab the controller.

        • It’s a little more than that.

          SteamOS also uses an immutable filesystem and the system updates as a whole. Because of that, there is no risk of something updating separately and breaking compatibility.
          It’s fairly common for things to update on regular linux distros and break e.g. anticheat support in Proton or some other thing.

          Another thing SteamOS does, at least on the Steam Desk, is actually using two partitions. The updates are always installed to the inactive one, so there’s always one image that’s known to work. Even if an update fails, the device will simply boot into the intact OS image. Regular distros usually don’t have much in terms of fail-safes, so if things break, they have to be fixed manually.

          Basically, SteamOS is trying to be as reliable and “hands-off” of an OS as possible to provide best console-like experience.

    • Mostly just Valve specific software implements to make the experience better. SteamOS has a really good suspend/resume sleep feature where you can just power off the Deck during a game like any other console, then when you hit the power button again it just lights back up to where you were in the game.

      Not sure if that’s in any other distro

        • The Steam deck is very quick though. I just paused Like a Dragon Gaiden and it took about 2 seconds to go to sleep, left it sitting on the table for an hour or so while I did some errands. Picked it back up and hit thepower button and I was back on the pause menu in about another 2 seconds.

          Steam Deck “sleep” is more like locking your phone than it is like putting a Windows PC to sleep

    •  520   ( @520@kbin.social ) 
      11 months ago

      On a generic PC? No.

      On a Steam Deck, it has useful hardware related features that are easy to access, like global frame rate limiting and seamless sleep/resume