•  kay   ( @kay@lemm.ee ) 
    711 months ago

    holy shit what is it with some of yall and wanting to look 9 and dress in fetish maid outfits

    please for the love of transness stop this, it makes me feel horrible about being trans when yall are like this

    • What’s with people being unable to tell (or lying about) how old a character is? I’ve seen this so much on Reddit too where a character (such as here) has a developed body and someone thinks they’re like 7. There are plenty of real anime examples to use that are weird, so why make new ones up?

      •  kay   ( @kay@lemm.ee ) 
        111 months ago

        Wow ok as someone who doesn’t engage with anime much, some of you who’ve normalized the artstyle to yourself are blind about just how neotenous some anime characters are drawn to be

        • Is Rem one of those characters? She has breasts and wide hips that are visible in this image. I guess cute faces mean people are 9 now. You could have said 15 or something and I’d agree that’s understandable, but 9? C’mon lol

          •  kay   ( @kay@lemm.ee ) 
            111 months ago

            I’m sorry, I can’t post images bcs of a bug, but I urge you to google images 9 year old, 15 year old and 20 year old women and compare them with the pic in the meme… I don’t care much for what weebs use to signify age in anime characters because that’s a standard within an industry that heavily fetishises childish characteristics in women in general. If a sexualized character looks more like a real kid than a real woman, it’s a problem.

            Also “she’s an older kid, c’mon” doesn’t help the case even a percentage point.

            • My initial point was that you either can’t tell her age or are lying about it. I still believe that to be true. Anyone being honest with themselves based on the entire character’s appearance would think she is a teenager or an adult. Saying she’s 9 ignores most of her appearance and is a warped viewpoint. So I don’t agree with you at all. And it’s pretty clear you’ll never agree with me.

              •  kay   ( @kay@lemm.ee ) 
                111 months ago

                pls pull up images of real people and compare. Alternatively show to people around you who don’t engage with anime stuff and ask them to estimate.

                I get our standards are different bcs I don’t care for the artstyle (I also don’t know “the entire character’s appearance”, I see what’s in front of me), but you have to realise mine is prolly the majority viewpoint outside terminally online spaces - you can test that, do it.

    • Rem is 17-19. I think 9 was a bit of an exaggeration. …but yeah, I’m not sure what’s up with the maid outfits. My honest thoughts, I think it stems from patriarchal ideas of what constitutes the core aspects of what it means to be a woman…an over sexualized cook and cleaner. A lot of trans women struggle with wanting any attention at all, even gross comments from misogynists because it validates their gender expression. It was covered in Pose (2018) pretty extensively for anyone wanting media that talks about the trans experience.

      •  kay   ( @kay@lemm.ee ) 
        111 months ago

        Yeah, I can see that for sure.

        I don’t like the mini version “she’s one thousand years old in the lore, she just looks like a kid” tho. I know some of you that see art like this more regularily might not see this the same because of what you’ve self normalized, but that right there is a preteen with slightly exaggarated breasts, and adding boobs to a child doesn’t make fetishization of the other features of them any more exusable. (I know you aren’t saying it is btw, it’s a general statement)