So it looks like Trump has read the fascist playbook or something. I’m not surprised. I am concerned.

Edit: After thinking about it, I guess I am surprised that he can read.

    • Hamas will not. Hamas is firing long range rockets from within civilian infrastructure, and Hamas wants civilians to die by Israeli counterattacks. Hamas will never leave the human shield.

      Hamas is not a rational entity that is fighting for the good of Palestinians, and trying to save as many of them as they can. Hamas’ only goal is the annihilation of all Jews, and the more Palestinians that die the better it is in Hamas’ mind.

      • What the fuck is wrong with you?

        It was a short range anti tank missile at a group of IDF troops shooting down people on the street outside the hospital instead of breaching the hospital.

        At this point, I am seriously wondering if you are just that stupid, or of I am talking to a genuine IDF disinformation agent.

        • That’s 1 attack out of the thousands. Hamas has fired thousands of rockets into Israel.

          I’m seriously wondering how stupid you are. Do you honestly think Hamas has only fired 1 rocket ever?

          • Are we talking about in the history of Israel or in the last month and a half?

            Because Israel has been constantly shelling Palestine for a month and a half and in that month and a half 1 missile has been fired by Hamas.

              • It’s Wikipedia, that said, occording to your link, 131 rockets may have landed in Israel territory with 0 Israeli casualties.

                There is no equivelent wiki page for Israeli rockets fired at Palestine, just an 11 thousand civilian death count.

                • Israel is good at shooting down said rockets, but it’s colossally expensive.

                  But you think it’s A-ok for Hamas to fire thousands of Rockets into Israel from civilian areas every single week, and Israel should do nothing about it?

                  Because it’s thousands of rockets, and the only reason the Israeli death toll is only 2 thousands civilians and not 11,000 is the Iron Dome. Because you’ve apparently forgotten about the attack that started this current war.

                  • Again, are we talking full history or the last month and a half.

                    2000 is disinformation.

                    260 died at the music festival.

                    11 thousand have been slaughtered in response.

                    Same story, another month and a half in the Gaza strip.

                    Small wonder there is a resistance force in Palestine.

                    Keep martyring Palestinian innocents. Wonder why there is a resistance force.