•  novibe   ( @novibe@lemmy.ml ) 
    8 months ago

    Your point being the USSR was influential because it was… what evil?

    Doesn’t it make sense they were influential because they were like the only socialist state at the time? And they actually did support many, if not most, anti-colonial and leftist movements all over the world. Like, if you were a leftist in Africa, and needed help fighting against colonialism and stuff, there was only the USSR around to help you. And they did help, a lot.

    They had the largest increase in quality of life in history prior to China, they pioneered space exploration and computation. They had the most advanced laws to protect minorities, to guarantee equality for women etc. Their universities were free for people on the 2nd AND 3rd world to attend.

    How exactly were they so terrible? And please, don’t list things every country did exactly the same or worse.

    Or do you think all the good they did is completely nullified by the bad?

    Would it be best for humans to stop trying to do good, never try to learn from the bad, and just give up?