• I don’t know if youre being facetious or are genuinely unaware of how devastating this is on our natural and societal foundations. The further our climate slips away from the predictable seasons our agriculture was built upon, the increasingly likely our society as we know it runs the risk of abrupt collapse.

    • At this point it’s pretty inevitable. So I kinda empathize with OP to at least try and see the silver lining on this horribly dark cloud. Not saying burying your head under the sand is a good thing, but it might let folk breathe for a second (pun intended)

    •  Baku   ( @Baku@aussie.zone ) OP
      37 months ago

      Meh, we’re fucked either way. We were fucked before I was even born. I’m very well aware of how things are headed, but we’re well past the point of no return. I just want to enjoy the nice days out on the porch with my lemonade. Thank you for your concern.

        • This is literally the “This is fine” meme.

          It’s entirely possible to drink lemonade on 40deg days while not being complacent. The impact of climate change isn’t ‘one day I’ll be dead’. It’s an ‘it’s going to get worse before it gets worse’ situation. It’s a future where you might not even be able to get lemonade or Bundy rum with caps you can’t put back on the bottle.