“That’s how you end up with a 4th quarter profit of $529 million, available to common shareholders,” Weston Jr. emphasized. “People don’t like dying.”

  • They balance it between … raise prices high enough to make profit … keep it low enough to not cause the pee-ons to riot.

    The problem is not completely their fault … part of the problem is that we are all just willing to keep bending over to allow them screw us as much as they want.

    I’m not saying we should start a revolution … but we should be out in the streets or calling our political reps and basically just causing enough of a protest to affect our country’s leadership and corporate heads to do something about all this.

    • Why though? This will only end up with cops beating people up and the government getting more money from the quasi monopolies in Canada anyway in exchange for putting their people in charge of consumer protection agencies like the CRTC and shit.

      • The goal of capitalism is to own all the wealth. Anything less is failure in the eyes of the bean-counters. Canada’s monopolies will fight tooth and nail to make sure that you own nothing and that you pay them for the privilege.