She used whatever she could find from around the room. Her mommy’s dirty socks, and two of her favorite toys: a crinkle ball, and a straw she stole from someone’s drink. So resourceful!

    •  Zoop   ( ) OP
      1 year ago

      Hehe, yep! That or she comes and gets one of us and has us follow her to her food and sits there and stares at us until we uncover it for her, ha! She can uncover it herself, but I guess she likes to make her slaves do it for her, lol!

      She likes to have someone watch her back for her while she eats (she was clearly abused before we took her in :( so she’s an anxious lil thing) so one of us is usually there anyway, and we don’t mind. She’s worth it :)

      Editing to add because it’s cute and why not: She’s been with us around 10 years now and she JUST finally started letting me touch and rub her tummy sometimes!! She gets all blissed out and purrs and chirps happily and it’s adorable.