Finding alien technology on the seafloor would be truly incredible. This extraordinary claim, however, is debunked by the actual evidence.

        •  HumanPenguin   ( ) 
          7 months ago

          Actually that brings up an interesting comparison. In Victorian england it was common for gentlemen to have art of naked faeries. Because having naked human women was morally unacceptable. Whereas faeries not so much.

          Makes you wonder if rural American men find remembering an alien anal probe. As more morally acceptable to their mindset. Than bob next door getting intimate with them.

      • I agree industrial waste is not an elegant refutation of Aliens did it but it does fit nicely with Occam’s razor:

        The explanation that requires the fewest assumptions is usually correct

        Aliens did it: Assumptions

        Intelligent alien life exists.

        Interstellar Travel exists.

        Out of billions of start systems, the aliens visited earth.

        Yet they were dumb enough to crash on arrival.

        Industrial Waste: Assumptions

        Stuff we have been pumping into the atmosphere for centuries has made it to the ocean floor.