With more people joining Lemmy and other decentralised networks there is a growing shift to the common misogyny and sexism we find on other social media networks (YouTube, Reddit, etc.).

I think it’s pretty obvious that the reason is that there are even less women here than other places online. What are your ideas on how to change that? Or do you feel it is a lost cause?

  • I agree absolutely with what you have written here. This process on how online communities get radicalised, I’ve seen it unfold as well. And it really does seem to follow that pattern.

    Memes for example are a good indicator. They are a way for people to (subconsciously?) test the waters, so to speak. They make a joke that is a little bit sexist or racist and it’s very safe for them. Does the post get a lot of upvotes? Well, doesn’t seem too bad if I also sprinkle my sexist and/or racist opinion here an there.

    When someone calls me out I can just claim it’s a joke and scream censorship - which is a red flag for many online, especially on Lemmy. No one wants to be an evil fascist oppressor who censors free speech! /s

    Why not now create communities where we just share those “fringe humor” memes? And if we are at it, why not also create communities where we share our just-a-little-bit bigoted opinions?

    Maybe it is that women moderators put their foot down earlier because it hurts them more, and that’s the way to go. But this could also backfire tremendously when people then start spinning the tale of the evil censorship feminist. Seen that as well…

    • Agreed. And that’s exactly why I say I don’t know what the answer is. It’s really a tough subject that goes way further than just sexism. It’s really the eternal question of balancing freedoms amongst individuals with conflicting objectives.

      We French have a saying : One’s freedom stops where others’ begin. It’s not absolute, there are limits to it. I wish to see something similar being agreed upon in the Fediverse, instead of the American-style libertarianism that’s pushed in some circles of the Internet. But is this realistic? :)