TBH I have a mixed feeling about this.

  • I don’t know, when did it? I installed this update on Windows 11 and there’s a simple toggle in the settings to turn off the Copilot button on the taskbar. And even when it’s not disabled, I just don’t use it when I don’t want it to do something. This thread - like many others on this topic - is full of weird histrionics over this.

    • Very naive understanding of what it actually does.

      If you are fine with being datamined by software and device you paid for, more power to you champ!

      I am sure you got nothing to hide and you don’t do any crime haha

      • It’s basically a wrapper for Bing Chat. If anything I’m disappointed by how little it does. Possibly because I don’t have Microsoft Office, it has some integrations with that when doing searches through your data (this is a feature of Office rather than of Copilot, though). Do you have any sources indicating it’s doing more than that?

          • What specific part of the terms of service cover datamining? OP said “If you are fine with being datamined by software and device you paid for, more power to you champ!”, which is just a vague generic claim. If you’re going to say that the Terms of Service allows for it please actually quote the bit that does so. Otherwise this is just wild fearmongering.

            • Lol how about you go look for it yourself, since you’re the one who’s gonna be using it. We’re trying to do you a favor by warning you, if you don’t care that’s fine, but we’re not going to handhold you through it.