I have a Galaxy Tab S7 and for a trip to Spain I downloaded some stuff to watch on the flight. When I got on the plane none of the stuff downloaded on Disney+ would play. Maybe an issue with downloading to the SD card? I don’t know, but regardless Disney offers SD card as a download destination so they should make sure it is working.

So now I’m here pirating a show that should be available to me through a service I pay for. Gabe was right, piracy is a service problem.

  • Sure it will. It fully supports streaming

    Or, you know, if you accidentally typed a YouTube address into the wrong site, and somehow it ended up on your phone. Whoops. It could happen anywhere, even on a layover

    Or if you’re uncomfortable with that, Dr horrible’s sing along blog is pubic domain, a bunch of big actors and writers made it during the first writers strike. I think the sequel is too. I think you can still download it off the official website… I’ve got a copy on my phone just in case I find myself desperate for offline content