• https://ourworldindata.org/images/published/Global-soy-production-to-end-use.png

    i can’t click your paywalled link

    here’s what the UN’s FAO says

    oil is 17.2%. since a soybean is only about 20% oil to begin with, you need to crush 85% of all soybeans to get that much oil. do you see how the vast majority of what is fed to animals is called “soy meal” or “soy cake”? that’s the industrial waste from processing soybeans to oil.

    • Its statista, they limit traffic. Try a different browser.

      Btw funny you link OWID, you should read their article. It doesn’t mention the feed as a side product of oil production, and I’m having trouble finding your quote.

      Even if its 100% true and just not mentioned in any articles on the matter, then I guess large scale veganism still only removes loads of industrial processes/co2 production, unspeakable animal abuse and insane amounts - and i mean ludicrous amounts - of wasted drinking water.