• The source article actually talks about this and measured data suggests nuclear cost actually went up, despite more capacity being built.

    This is the first time, I’ve read this anywhere. More sources/studies would be really important. And there is lots of interpretations to be had on the why, but assuming the article isn’t completely off the mark, that’s cold, hard data suggesting that your (perfectly reasonable) assumption is actually wrong, after all.

    • Interesting, I’ll have to look at the source article.

      But as far as I’m aware the total amount of nuclear power has been decreasing in recent years. This might change with China’s future plants.

      I’ve also read about small modular reactor designs gaining traction, which would help alleviate the heavy costs of one off plants we currently design and build.

      Not saying the source is wrong, just saying that’s what I used to form my opinion.

      • Possible. But well, whether these regulations actually are bullshit or not, kind of doesn’t matter. A dumb solar panel won’t ever need to be regulated as much. If that’s what makes it cheaper, it still is cheaper.