The growing field of ​“firetech” is reinventing the age-old practice of prescribed burns and devising other novel methods of preventing and suppressing fires.

      • I agree. But the problem comes when the investors want to start to see a return. Just look at the state of the tech industry now. Consider the failure of second sight and how it’s left people with brain implants that no longer function.

        I agree the tech looks promising and we are going to need a lot of adaptation solutions but right now theyre being funded in order to take advantage of the serious cost to society and with the need for returns those costs will only spiral upward. This will be especially obvious when we consider that it is the poorest communities who are most affected by climate disasters. The richest people will get adaptation. The poorest will get refugee status.

        By relying so heavily on private solutions governments abdicate responsibility and communities get left to pick up the pieces.