• Many thousands have died needlessly in the unnecessary, unwinnable, and increasingly unaffordable war in Ukraine.

    Yeah, sure. It’s entirely a needless and unnecessary war… unless of course they would like their country to keep existing and not get jailed, deported, “re-educated” or killed in the atrocities Russians are documented to commit in the areas occupied.

    Somehow I couldn’t bring myself to read more of this bullshit after that first sentence…

    • Same here. The author did a good job of laying out there position right up front. And their position is based on ridiculous assumptions. There are some genuine concerns with the way the Ukraine government is suppressing opposition voices, but they destroyed their credibility completely before they even got to that point.

      Personally, I think the declaration of martial law and the subsequent moves to limit opposition are probably justified when faced with an existential threat like the Russian invasion.

    • if you click the link to show other pieces he’s wrote, he heavily seems to favor a number of different ‘opinions’ on things. he’s obviously pro Russian. he downplays the role of Saudi Arabia during 9/11, while suggesting that the current administration has allowed the relationship to wither on the vine. he has a piece about how much of a threat Hamas is to the US.

      dude’s clearly a shitstain, and most of his writing has a incredibly clear agenda.