• Vivaldi and Brave are planning to extend the deadline of MV2 by some extent, not sure if it means just like the enterprise policy or will they keep the implementation in code for longer.

      •  NaN   ( @Bitrot@lemmy.sdf.org ) 
        28 months ago

        They both get their extensions from the Chrome Web Store. It’s going to be a lot like when Mozilla deprecated their old extensions and some forks continued support for them, great except very few people are going to continue to develop those extensions.

      • Vivaldi is my daily driver. It has the best tab-management, dark website-mode (hidden function), build-in tracker, pop-up & ad-blocker, RSS-Reader, e-mail client, site-hibernation and much more. My hope is that the build-in protection will suffice when ublock origin will stop functioning. I can’t use any other browser anymore.

        • Vivaldi is my daily driver. It has the best tab-management, dark website-mode (hidden function), build-in tracker, pop-up & ad-blocker, RSS-Reader, e-mail client, site-hibernation and much more.

          You forgot excessive RAM usage 🤮

          • Checked with htop:

            Firefox - no tabs open, no extensions: 365MB

            Chromium - no tabs open, no extensions: 358MB

            qutebrowser - 1 tab open, no extensions: 400MB

            Vivaldi - 3 tabs open and 70 tabs sleeping in 5 workspaces, built in ad- and track-blocker enabled + 2 extensions: 450MB

            I can spare that 50MB from my more than enough mem for all the extra quality of life functions no other browser offers.

      • The deceleration is way too low and it’s hard to get it to focus where I want on the page fast. The deceleration is inconsistent between touchscreen and touchpad, which works fine. I tried looking around for configurations for it but couldn’t find any. Touchscreen support in Chrome is just generally better