• ranked-choice is the wrong choice here. it’s expensive to print new ballots and the process is needlessly convoluted and wasteful. approval voting is not only cheap and effective, it more accurately represents the will of the people

    • First I think both approval voting and ranked choice are both vastly superior to first past the post.

      Ranked choice does have some weak points and can create some non optimal outcomes on occasion. Approval voting has its own distortions and issues too though.


      I’m personally a little undecided about which one I like better. It might make the most sense to use different voting systems for different types of elections to minimize sub optimal outcomes and avoid their respective weaknesses as much as possible. But honestly I don’t care, either is great, anything except first past the post please.

    •  lolcatnip   ( @lolcatnip@reddthat.com ) 
      7 months ago

      I’m generally in favor of approval voting over RCV, but saying it’s expensive to print ballots is pretty silly. Printing is so cheap it may as well be free. Either that, or all the companies that send me junk mail have some wildly delusional ideas about how effective it is.

    • we already have an approval voting party here that runs candidates and they’ve done literally nothing useful to advance the voting method (nor do i think it’s a good voting method or RCV “needlessly convoluted and wasteful”–it’s literally just single-winner STV and i’ve never seen anything but in-the-weeds arguments against STV) so i can’t say i’m sympathetic to this argument