This happens every time. No I will not stop drinking it. I don’t have a problem, I can stop whenever I want. I just dont want to stop drinking it.

But why do I have to suffer

    • If you have too much at once it can act as a laxative under certain conditions. The other thing I noticed was that my one glass had gave me 100% of my daily saturated fats intake. For context, the FDA suggests that you should only get 10% of your saturated fats in one meal because having more than that at once can interfere with your colon’s ability to absorb water. I also think getting 80% of my daily cholesterol in one go had something to do with it too.

      Basically, thats the taco bell effect. If you have too much sugar, fats, fiber, gluten/lactose, spices, beans, and coffee in one meal, you run the risk of diarrhea. Taco Bell is famous for having all of those things in great quantities.