I would like to build my first keyboard, but I feel like the DIY-kits available don’t let you get your hands on the keyboard enough. For instance, I looked into the M1W barebone as it checks all the criteria I have (I would prefer a 75% board, with a knob, and wireless option), except the only thing left to do is to plug-in the switches and put on the keycaps.

For example, the Zoom 75 is something I feel would suit me, but it’s 200$, not counting the 60$ shipping, and it’s “only” the board, so I need to buy the switches and the keycaps as well.

I saw the “Practice 75” board, which is nice, but for example there isn’t the knob and I would need to solder the switches to the board.

Is there a board out there that would ticks all the boxes ?

Thank you in advance for your answers !

  • If i was to follow that intermediate road, what are the caveats I should avoid? I tried looking for a website like PCPartPicker, unfortunately it doesn’t seem to exist And I’m afraid of picking up different pieces that will end up not being compatible with one another

    •  WFH   ( @wfh@lemm.ee ) 
      7 months ago

      PCB, top plate and case need to be compatible, so you need to pick ones made for each other, usually from the same vendor.

      99% of the PCBs and plates out there are MX compatible, so you can consider switches, stabs and keycaps universal.

        •  WFH   ( @wfh@lemm.ee ) 
          17 months ago

          I’ve built two XD64s from kprepublic, one with Box Jades for home and one with Boba U4s for work, because they perfectly fitted my use case: flashable with QMK, ISO layout compatible, bottom layout flexible enough to fit an arrow keys cluster despite being 60%. They’re very good.

          I don’t have any experience with other vendors.