• Those “glorious landlords” you’re referring to should have their multiple properties seized or have their financials squeezed to the point of blood. Fuck every last one of them. People have by and large turned into greedy fucks and it’s disgusting.

        • Not really. Rent is based on demand and landlords will take as much as the market will bear. It’s pretty much independent of mortgage rates.

          Case in point, rent in Southwestern Ontario exploded in 2020 & 2021, when interest rates were low and have stayed pretty level since, even with the significant increase in rates.

    • That stood out to me, too. Stripping out mortgage interest, inflation is at 2.1%.

      It can’t completely be looked at in isolation like that, of course; part of the reason prices are lower on most things aside from groceries and housing is because people just don’t have money left over for these things after paying for essentials. If mortgage interest were lower, demand for other goods would be higher and prices would rise faster.

      Still, this adds support for BoC rates to stay frozen in the near term and decline in 2024.

      • Can I be one to say that despite all the shit on reddit that was given about the BoC not doing enough, or doing too much… So far they’ve done a damn good job at managing this given the fact that Jesus Christ are we dealing with once in a century issues. I will also give the Liberals props and the OPC props. We know what bad leadership looked like (see Alberta) but by and large most provinces and the country have turned out surprisingly well compared to their global partners.

        1. Pandemic
        2. War in Ukraine
        3. Escalating climate change

        Yet here in Canada on a global scale we are still prospering and doing well. I"m speaking broad generalizations here. So if you’re not doing well on an individual level I hear you, it sucks and we should be doing better.