Source: JetBrains’ “The State of Developer Ecosystem in 2023” survey

  • Not a surprise for those with containerised workloads. Mac is a nightmare for that. Every single dev team with mac that I’ve been on has struggled with it. Heard all these things and more:

    • We can’t use Docker Desktop due to licensing!
    • podman doesn’t work, but colima does
    • npm install takes forever!
    • Why can’t it find the docker socket?
    • This only works on x86
    • The port-forwarding didn’t work
    • XYZ works in the dev-container but not when deployed

    Recreating a problem you encountered with your container in a x86 linux VM in the cloud on a mac with apple silicon is no fun either.

    And good luck with custom hardware on a mac. Working from home with stuff that was plug and play on linux simply refused to work on mac. Ergonomic mice, keyboards, USB-C docks, high-quality webcams, USB headsets… Either you’re in the Apple ecosystem or you’re gonna have a bad time.

    If an employer doesn’t allow me to install linux on my dev machine, then I move on.