• Not that easy not to use the services of the big tech companies, is it? I don’t get why you would even give them extra money if their main profit is selling your data anyways. The only solution I see is to try to establish independent, people owned spaces/websites and so long the majority is under control of the big tech, don’t feed them your data and don’t feed them any money either.

        •  Kayn   ( @HKayn@dormi.zone ) 
          110 months ago

          I also want people-owned website to take off, but as of right now there is little incentive for people to host their videos on their own when YouTube does it for free and gets you a huge audience.

          For now, I have to choose between participating in the adblocker cat-and-mouse game, or just getting my Turkish “friend” to purchase YT Premium and being done with it.

      • because it’s insanely difficult to get along completely without YouTube. Or if you happen to have some kind of business it’s easier said than done to “just not optimize” for Google products or “just not use Google services” like having a Google Maps entry. On a side note, even getting a privacy focused smartphone without using Google services and products is near to impossible (e.g. GrapheneOS only works on Pixel phones…)