stolen from linux memes at Deltachat

  • Indeed, besides most linux distributions are fairly equally lightweight and can be customized. I tried 4-5 distros this past January (Arch being one) when I got my new gaming laptop and they all booted in ~9.5 sec for example, and perform equally well in general, they had fairly similar RAM load with the same desktop environment.

    Arch is about managing the system as a hobby, which is fine.

    One problem here is that new users install Endeavour/Garuda but don’t know how to manage updates safely about pacnew/pacsave/etc. So the system might slowly “rot” without them knowing about it because new components use old configs, etc…

    I also recommend Mint to new users. I don’t use Mint, nor do I use Arch.

    • Tbf I don’t think many people know about pacdiff. The way I found out about it was by looking up a warning about pacnew/pacsave during an upgrade, because I was bored. Very random.

    • Arch is about managing the system as a hobby, which is fine.

      Only the installation takes more time, maintenance is no longer than the noob friendly ones.