•  lobut   ( @lobut@lemmy.ca ) 
    8710 months ago

    I remember when I was working with .NET and I saw some web service code and I saw there was no try catches. They didn’t have a global catch in the asax either or anything. I just wrapped each call into a try catch and log.

    I got the same treatment where my manager wanted to know what happened with the increase in errors. I told him what I did. My manager got another developer to go through my commits regardless. I was a bit upset at the lack of trust.

    • I joined a team years ago where everyone would catch exceptions then throw a different exception in the catch, swallowing the original. Sometimes these were nested many layers. Troubleshooting was a nightmare.

      I spent a week deleting all of them and told everybody that “try” was now a forbidden word outside of entry points.

      • I remember doing that as a junior because everyone in our codebase did it!

        My new team lead came in and asked me why. I said it’s to reformat it due to the layer it was in. He said “…and what did you really accomplish with that?” All we did was bury our real error really well. It made me think about these things and to question convention more