I have heard from many, many people, some of whom did not know that this was happening, and most of whom did, so it was not a secret. Some have known for weeks, some have known for months. People have talked to him. He’s expressed his frustrations. There have been things that have happened. QT had a very well-paying job, he was a Vice President of creative and talent. He’s no longer doing the formats, but he did those for years. I think there’s a lot of things that have been said. One thing with QT, and it’s a big one – QT wants to be a wrestling star. And it wasn’t gonna happen in AEW. I know he expressed frustration to a lot of people about that – feeling he’s had good matches but he’s not been positioned to be a wrestling star there.

Of everyone that I heard from, not one had anything bad to say about QT. And most were sympathetic towards him. A lot of talent tweeted it, but a lot of talent privately, very supportive of QT and understanding his position

Source: Wrestling Observer Radio

  • All that sounds about right. I really liked QT’s work both as an underdog and a shitheel, but (and I say this as kindly as possible) I don’t think the run QT wants is waiting for him anywhere outside the indies. Maybe Impact/TNA or Mexico? Which kinda sucks, cause I think he’d be a shoe-in back in the 80s-90s to be a long-term upper midcarder.