Response from Martin Woodward, GitHub’s VP of Developer Relations:

Sorry for the inconvenience @koepnick - while searching across all repos has required being logged in for a long time, when we enhanced the search capabilities earlier in the 2023 we had to extend this to repos as well (see

This is primarily to ensure we can support the load for developers on GitHub and help protect the servers from being overwhelmed by anonymous requests from bots etc.

  •  Auzy   ( ) 
    7 months ago

    Who cares? Total non-issue honestly. It takes 20s to sign up for an account, and its free. And you can still clone the repos anyway

    The guy screaming at the top has 102 contributions this year. Even the casual newbie at our work whas overtaken him in 3 months lol (unless he’s doing a lot in private ones, in which case, he can’t really be shouting “open source”). I have 2875 this year alone. Even the guys at our company who rarely commit have hundreds.

    They’re literally doing nothing to stop people moving to another service (open source projects don’t pay for the servers anyway).

    Even disregarding the fact I work for a company now, I had a bunch of small projects in the past (they were even on Sourceforge originally when they were still using CVS), and I still wouldn’t have cared then…

    I’m more concerned about the legalities of Copilot than this nonsense actually