• Lol always a picture of Breezewood, wich is odd because it doesn’t really represent suburban development in any way whatsoever, it’s a turnpike town with 178 residents. It was literally built to support the interchange and highway.

    • And if they actually finished the I-70 interchange (which will never happen), the town would cease to exist. Although I will say, it looked a whole lot worse in the 80’s, the last time I was there before 2022.

      The worst part about Breezewood was the tolls to get there. Coming from the west, it’s like $50 from the Ohio border now for a 3 hour drive. To get 4 hours across the Ohio turnpike, it’s roughly $10-$12 in a car. And the road quality in Ohio is vastly superior. Privatization vs a state run toll road, at its finest.