•  Ooops   ( @Ooops@kbin.social ) 
    10 months ago

    We should really stop doing polls. People will answer depending on how something sounds on the surfcae with exactly no clue about details.

    The same people in UK that want to rejoin the EU single market will also vote against most consequences of joining the single market.

    Just like for example a majority of Europeans when asked wants to stop daylight saving time changes for permanent ‘summer time’ (because summer is a more positive connotation when that 1 hour shift from standard time is bad by any objective metric and actually bad for our health).

    Just like a majority of Germans right now loudly agrees to more investments, to then turn around and answer in another poll how spending any money (even more when it’s financed by debt) should be avoided.

    People are idiots and polls have lost most their meaning as I can get any answer I want just by who I ask and how I phrase the question.

    • I never understood the arguments people use surrounding daylight savings. The health risks, accident risks, any risks surround the actual switch, not really the what time is used. If the clocks were set forward for “summer time” then 3 months later Daylight savings was abolished and no one changes their clocks anymore (as you said, permanent summer time) there would be no ill effects from it cause everyone was already used to the time change.

      I want to get rid of daylight savings. I don’t care whether it’s standard time that use used or daylight savings time that is used as long as the switchover stops happening.

      • If the clocks were set forward for “summer time” then 3 months later Daylight savings was abolished and no one changes their clocks anymore (as you said, permanent summer time) there would be no ill effects

        Yes, there would be “ill effects”. Having more daylight later the day is a pure luxury/convenience (for the people not working at that time anymore…). Having to an hour more between waking up and the sun coming up however has adverse effects on your natural clock and health.

      • With people mostly using clocks which don’t need adjusting, we could have the best of both worlds.

        Currently, 12 o’clock is defined as the sun being at its highest point at a specific location (in winter, standard time)

        Imagine you take the same reference location, and define sunrise as 7:00 (am). No health issues, no sudden changes, and probably best for the biorhythm.

      • And then there are online polls, that already cherry-pick the people by where they advertize. And that’s on top of the effect that people with a strong opinion and desire to voice it are overrepresented in such polls.

    •  taladar   ( @taladar@feddit.de ) 
      310 months ago

      Just like for example a majority of Europeans when asked wants to stop daylight saving time changes for permanent ‘summer time’ (because summer is a more positive connotation when that 1 hour shift from standard time is bad by any objective metric and actually bad for our health).

      This is total nonsense. Which time would make more sense to adopt permanently depends on several factors including the geographic location within the current very wide CET/CEST time zone (one makes more sense on the west end, the other on the east end) and when people start and end their days.

      Personally I am in favour of just getting rid of the entire time zone system and just getting up at a time that makes sense for you locally without changing the entire clock to match. That would have the benefit that talking about time would become several orders of magnitude easier on a world-wide scale, the person-years required to develop anything related to calendars would be cut in half, most people could calculate travel times in their heads even across what is currently multiple time zones,… with the only major downside being that the date would change some time while we are awake and possibly working.

      • This is total nonsense.

        It isn’t. It’s science. Increasing the time between us waking up and the sun naturally rising has adverse health effects. It also has the same effects on people more to the east of a time zone relatively. They are just in a slightly better position naturally.

        •  taladar   ( @taladar@feddit.de ) 
          210 months ago

          You mean between the time the sun rises and the time we get up? Which is what east/west location determines and the other factor I mentioned.

          Not to mention that it also has adverse health effects when it gets dark before most full time employees even finish their work day because some morning fetishists need extra daylight an hour before most people even get up.