Bluetooth audio is my least favorite part of using Linux and it seems like my coworkers agree. I hear a lot of praise for pipewire, but it doesn’t match what I experience. Does any system work well for anyone?

To clarify, it can work. But it’s a harsh experience compared to say Android. I’ve used Ubuntu, Fedora, and PopOS. I’ve tried a few different headphones, using Galaxy Buds 2 current. Pulseaudio tends to “do as it’s told” but doesn’t automatically switch to the right (confusingly named) profile. With Ubuntu 23.10, using pipewire, it does automatic switch profiles. Sometimes this works great. But very often, it gets stuck on on a profile or just stops working. I have to reconnect bluetooth to fix it.

Is there some magic combination of things that works or is this just how it is for everyone?

  •  The Doctor   ( ) 
    17 months ago

    I don’t use Bluetooth a whole lot on my Linux box (Arch Linux 20231128, MATE Desktop Environment, bluetoothd, pulseaudio). That said, I have blueman-manager in my system tray all the time, and it seems to do a decent job of managing two pairs of headphones (they’re there, and I use them occasionally, just not often). The thing that seems to work for me is to use pavucontrol (PulseAudio Volume Control) to set the parameters of the Bluetooth headphones while they’re active and associated, and those settings are stored for later. That way, when I’m wearing a pair of those headphones my laptop’s speakers are automatically muted, the Bluetooth headphones go back to where I had them before, and whatever I happen to be playing back through (Firefox, vlc, whatever) automatically cut over to them and away from the (now muted) speakers).

    I guess I just did it one step at a time - get bluetooth turned on, get a pair of headphones associated with them, then turn off speakers, then… I iterated on it until I had something that worked.