I’ve been using Fedora for a couple of months now, and have been loving it. Very soon after I jumped into this community (among other Linux communities) and started laughing at all the people saying “KDE rules, GNOME drools,” and “GNOME is better, KDE is for babies.” But then I thought, “Why not give KDE a try? The worst that happens is I go back to using GNOME.”

Now I get it. The level of customization is incredible, it’s way faster than GNOME, and looks beautiful too. At this point, I’m not going back.

I’ll happily contribute to the playground fight over desktop environments. KDE rules, GNOME drools.

  • KDE has a lot of nice points, I do really like the customization and I think I prefer a lot of the default KDE apps over their GNOME counterparts.

    But there’s just something about GNOME I find really comfortable to use. I feel like on paper I should like KDE more, but I always end up going back to GNOME and being happier with it.

    • I have a similar feeling about it. I think I would prefer the customization of KDE, etc, but GNOME just works for me right out of the box. I don’t think I change anything except the monospace font nowadays (in Tweaks). It works great and gets out of the way. For people who do not like the GNOME workflow I suspect it would be horrific because there is far less customization.

      • I don’t think I change anything except the monospace font nowadays

        Which font do you use?

        It works great and gets out of the way.

        I think that that’s why some Gnome users just stick with it. I personally don’t want to customize anything, if possible. I don’t even want to concern myself with the DE at all if possible. Any time I spend on the DE is time I don’t spend doing the things I actually want to do. But that’s the beauty of Linux: everyone can use whatever fits their needs best, be it Gnome, KDE, xfce or anything else.

    • I hear you there. I like the workflow of GNOME, and I wish I could make the app launcher in KDE be as minimalist as the GNOME launcher in ArcMenus. But at the same time, a number of things I was using the launcher for can be done as a keystroke in KDE, so it kinda makes up for it.