Thanks to whoever posted this on reddit. I hope other clients detect and blocking it.

  • Ok… I like the interface of StremIO, which looks like a service aggregator (ie I can open the movie on a streaming service i have access to), but I don’t like the fact that I can’t pre-download and seed less popular files. It supports debrid services, but from the technical description, thesec seems to be leech-equivalent to seedboxes…

    What would be a good drop -in replacement? Something that works on google TVs and is easy to maintain?

      • From my early torrent days, we used to say that any torrent we dont seed back to at rast 1:1 is bad for the network (leeching). I can see why there is a desire to block StremIO clients, but if it was modified to see back to some ratio, it would be nicer.

        As for debrid, it’s a bit too “centralised” for me still… I’ve read that it’s a major weak point in the system and that servers are often unavailable. That’s why i like the resilience of torrents. (Plus the sharing aspect. Sharing is caring!)

    •  blindsight   ( ) 
      7 months ago

      I’ve heard there are (more expensive) debris services that seed back, but I haven’t researched it. I’d already paid for Real Debrid when I read that and it hasn’t come up for renewal yet.