•  eldain   ( @eldain@feddit.nl ) 
    410 months ago

    As EU citizen watching from the sidelines, I’m disappointed nobody is rallying for political reforms. The UK government has proven multiple times now it is incapable of governing and policing to adapt for changing realities. I don’t think the UK is ready for any future until painful structural reforms of their parliamentary system and executive. This mess was and is caused by UK politics and they deserve all the anger as fuel to fix their workplace. Until then, an effort to rejoin would occupy the executive for years and make UK life only worse because necessary local policy-making would’nd get the attention it deserves.

    • Ever since the French revolution, the establishment in Britain has been bending over backwards to ensure the status quo (as far as they’re concerned) remains. The British parliamentary system is doing exactly what it was designed to do. The sheep who live there are kept busy with xenophobia and infighting with the sole purpose of keeping them isolated from dangerous ideas.