I know this isn’t a very popular topic across Canada, but its still an interesting video.

    • And Quebec separatism wasn’t its own particular flavour of pre-MAGA MAGA?

      No. It has had more of an affinity with the political left, and people in Quebec actually feel like they’re not part of Canada. Meanwhile, here, separating is a brand new idea with the same basic flavour as building a really big wall (just replace “Mexico” with “Ottawa”). Just 10 years ago it was on the same level of credibility as going back to serious monarchism.

      It’s obviously a form of nationalism, but that’s not really what I was getting at.

      • It’s obviously a form of nationalism, but that’s not really what I was getting at.

        Well, that’s what I was getting at. MAGAism is at its heart a nationalist movement, an “our people are better than those people and we’ll be better off keeping those people out!” Thing.

        • That’s really not the mentality or sentiment behind Quebec separatism. Separatists don’t believe they are better or a “higher race” than anybody else.

          In fact they’re just tired of being treated as second class citizens and not being respected as a founding nation of this country.

        • It was much more akin to Black liberation (and even had some ties with the Black Panthers back in the 70s) and Irish republicanism than with American right wing nationalism. I know it’s easy to group all nationalisms together and brand them with MAGA, but liberation movements often branded themselves with the “nationalist” label.

        • Oh, alright. I was trying to say that it’s just a literal, precise, probably traceable carbon copy of the US movement, and the Alberta separatism aspect has always just been an excuse. I don’t disagree that nationalism is bad, and I’m glad Quebec didn’t leave because that would be just another border to get in the way.