• Why do people feel this way?

    I’m genuinely curious as I’d think having a wider swathe of coding experience would be a good thing wouldn’t it?

    I don’t work in fields that use coding expertise, I drive a forklift so I’m out of my wheel house when it comes to coding.

      • NGL if I saw a job listing that said, “Don’t have experience in a specific field,” I wouldn’t apply even if I didn’t have experience in the field specified because my assumptions for why they’d say that basically are the reasons you said.

        Or that they would want someone they could under pay for the position, but that’s more specific for what the job is and what they don’t want you to know beforehand.

        Edit: Fixed wrong wording

    • Java in a large way has been eclipsed by most other languages, and developers kind of have a way of making fun of old technologies, like a lot of the same jokes are made about PHP which is still very popular but outdated. In reality Java is also still incredibly popular and knowing it is certainly a benefit. It’s just a collective joke.